Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Puppy Love

So I am sitting on my couch looking out my window, and it looks like a nice overcast day. I have no reason to go outside and nothing to do today out about town. In fact I need to clean my house, and take care of some other things that require me being at home. But I think I will go out anyways. Maybe to the library or the park. Just because lately I feel like I need to reawaken my enthusiasm for life and for how beautiful everything is. I have been feeling bored and listless.

My baby desire is still there but I have pushed it back with the desire to have a dog instead. I have been looking online at shelter dogs for the past two days, and I want one of these cuties. 

I think it would be so good for me to have a little buddy to hang out with and keep me company. And it would force me to get out of the house everyday, because although sometimes I neglect my own needs I would be sure to see to the well-being of my little doggy. 

Jordon wants one too, though I am sure not as much as I do. On his day off we acted crazy and were out of the house constantly. We went to Walmart and on a whim just bought two house plants. One for and one for me. Then we decided we wanted fish, but learned that there is nowhere in town to get them. Then we decided we wanted a little dog. Luckily the shelter wasn't open, because afterwards Jordon was somewhat rudely informed by our landlady that they wouldn't even tolerate a hamster. Really? Hey at least we asked first lady. 

After that we were struck with the desire to move. Preferably somewhere decent that actually allows small dogs. I still think I want to move after about four months or so. I swear if I can't at least have a dog I am going to go crazy! I need a companion when Jordon is at work. 

The funny thing is, that I have been questioning how wise it is to make a commitment to own a dog for the next 14 years more than I ever question the commitment to have a baby. I am willing to think carefully about whether we can commit the time, money and sacrifices that will come with being a dog owner, but if Jordon said today "let's have a baby" I would probably think about it for a day and then say "heck yes!". Haha! 

Because of this strange attitude I have decided that I have to have a dog first. :D Which means I have to move. Unfortunately (for me not for them) the little guys pictured above probably won't be available in five months. But there are always plenty of cute little animals in need of good homes.

 The only alternatives are smuggling in a hamster
 or carrying my plant to the park with me.
 Somehow I don't think either of those will satisfy me. . . .

1 comment:

Katrina said...

I hope you get a dog. :) I love dogs. And want to meet yours when you get it. <3 And every baby could use a dog. :) I love you Tiffany.