Friday, June 15, 2012

My Book Stack

I was inspired to do this post when I found this blog: . Although I don't seam to share her taste in books, I really like the idea of posting books stacks on my blog. I love books, and I like seeing them in pretty piles. So here we go. These are the books currently sitting on my nightstand, or that I currently have an interest in.

First two photos:

Crime & Punishment - By Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Since first talking to my mom about this book after she read it I have felt drawn to read it. I bought this pretty new paperback version and it had been sitting on my shelf for some months now. It seemed a bit intimidating, but I was finally brave enough to start it, and so far it's not nearly as scary as I had thought.

The Book of Mormon
Jordon and I have been working on reading it together. I admit that we suck at it, and are very far behind. But I am still determined to have read the entire thing by New Years Eve. :) Every Sunday my resolve is renewed. 

The Tale of Despereaux - By Kate DiCamillo
Every once in a while I like to go through the books at D.I. Thrift stores are a great place to score good books for cheap. This one caught my eye so I brought it home.

The Princess Bride - By William Goldman
I started reading this about a year ago. I got busy before I had time to finish it and had to give it back to the library. I decided it was worth owning, so I bought myself a pretty paperback version of this book as well. I'll get back to it soon now.

Hard Times - By Charles Dickens
I found this one at D.I a few months ago. It's practically brand new. I have read Dickens before a few times and realize his writing takes some resolve to finish, so it will probably be the last one in the stack I get to, so as not to have distractions. 

Daughters in My Kingdom - By The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
I was completely pleased when they handed out these lovely books in Relief Society a few months back. I have never been hugely interested in the RS history, or even church history in general. But I determined I would read this book. Even if only for the fact that it is so lovely to the eye, both inside and out. Clearly written for women. I have done pretty well so far, reading bits here and there I am about half through. I've found it is peaceful and relaxing. 

Last Photo:

The rest of my stack is on my Kindle. As a very traditional lover of books I was a wee bit concerned about how I would feel about e-reading. I'll always love "real book", but I also adore my kindle. It's so easy and fun for many reasons. I even put it in a ziplock baggy to read in the bath. Haha! I can't give that up even if I'm reading on an electronic.

Reckless Magic - By Rachel Higginson
I'm on a kick for young adult fiction lately, making sure to add some classics in as well. And I found this one free on the Kindle store. It's first in a series about a girl who finds out she's a which. It is very much about magic, action, and romance. I just finished it. You can read my review of it here.

I'm not going to talk about the rest of the Kindle list. Some of them I have read and some not, so I can't recommend them all. 

Thanks for reading, and let me know if you would like to see similar posts in the future. :)

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Great books Tiff. I also love your idea about putting your Kindle in a plastic bag for reading in the tub! That is pretty ingenious. I read almost exclusively from my Nook. For lots of reasons. I love how I can read at night when Brent is sleeping and I am not rustling pages and keeping a light on. But I do admit I miss reading in the tub. That was my favorite place to read a good book. I am not sure the ziplock baggie will work with my Nook, since I have to turn pages on the touch screen. But I will surely try it. I guess that is one reason why the push buttons on a Kindle are a benefit.