Sunday, September 30, 2012

Moving maybe!

     Well it has been some time since I posted, and I thought I should just give a brief update. :)

     Jordon and I have been married now for over six months. Crazy crazy! I've gotta say, I love it. Every day is spent with my best friend, planning and building our life together. And speaking of such things, we are looking to buy our first home!

     Yes maybe it seems a little early for that. Originally we were planning on moving out of the area and exploring  a little before settling down somewhere outside of our home town. But we both have jobs that we really like, we have a lot of close family around, and really this small town is not a bad place. The more we think about it the more we don't want to leave. We can picture ourselves raising our children here.
     Besides that, we know that if we can qualify we will be able to afford the payments. It's a great time to be buying due to low interest rates and a market that isn't very competitive. At least around here it's not. And if it's going to take us 30 years to pay for we might as well start now!

     I wasn't planning on telling anyone until it was a final decision. But Jordon had other ideas. Haha. He likes to share things with people, and doesn't really like secrets of any kind. I on the other hand am a more private and mysterious person. But oh well!

     I am very exctied. I am already making plans for what kinds of alterations I will want to do to the house and yard. Slow alterations. Starting mostly with paint colors. :D Oh how I long to paint my own home! Whatever colors I want. We will make it to fit our personalities. Luckily we seem to mesh pretty well as far as style goes, and where we do disagree it isn't hard to compromise.

   Other things I am excited for:

1. A yard and gardens (veggie and flowers).

2. We can get a puppy if we want!


4. A dishwasher. :D

5. More storage space.

6. More space in general.

7. A garage or carport.

8. Not having to pay rent. It feels like a waste!

9. Room for a piano.

10. An entrance that doesn't lead right into the kitchen area.

11. Room for babies! When we are ready that is. A few years maybe.

     So yeah. Sorry no pretty pictures today. But I will try to post more often.

1 comment:

Traci said...

exciting stuff! happy house hunting!!